How to Solve UC browser Retrying error


Uc Browser is a famous browser which is used by millions of people. And good thing in this browser is built in video Downloader which makes this browser different from other browsers, you can download any video from any website by using this browser. What makes UC browser better than any other browser? If any website which have no video download option, You can download videos from those websites too by using UC browser. You don't need any other video Downloader app, because UC Browser is doing it for you.
So What is the problem?
The problem is  downloading. Many people facing the problem while downloading files. There is a common problem, which is "retrying". Every time you download a file, many times you will face an error  retry after a few minutes of download. So retry error again and again in downloading is not a good sign for everyone. I faced this error too, and I search on the internet, but I didn't find anything good, people made a lot videos and content on this but all of the content is fake. Then I tried myself many times, at the end, I found the solution so I decide to share this with all of you I hope you will like this if you read this because it will help you a lot.

Here you'll find the solution about resuming the "retry error file" again. First, you need an Uc Browser, Then read carefully step by step.

First step: 
Go to download section where you can see the download file. And the error of retrying too. See the picture.
Second Step: 
In the second step, click on the file pause option and pause the downloading. After stopping the download, click and hold on the file, then click on the details.
Third Step: 
In the third step you need to copy the page URL from details.
Fourth Step: 
After copying of Page URL open new Tab and paste that URL in the search bar and hit search.
Fifth Step: 
In the fifth step, you will see the download link, click and hold that download link until you see the options like (see the pic) and then click on copy link.
Sixth Step:
In the sixth step, go again to the download section, click and hold on that retrying file and then click update link and past copy link which is copied by you in an update link box.
Seventh Step:
In 7 and final step, click Update. After all this, you will see that your download starts again from the stuck spot where you face an error of retrying.

Final words: 
If you don't understand, then simply watch the video for better understanding.

Click below and watch  πŸ‘‡
                                        Click here


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